Friday, October 18, 2013

A day at sea in the Inland Sea of Japan

1371 I told you things were blue this morning.

1376 French toast and eggs Stanley, who knew it could be that good?

1383 The Nav Map of our course from Kobe to Nagasaki.  The red part is where we’re going the yellow part is where we’ve been.  If we’d gone to Nata we’d have had to sail out the same way we came in, on the yellow line.   Tokyo is just off the screen to the right and it took a beating later that morning, flooding and people were killed.  It would not have been a smooth ride heading out into the Pacific this morning.

1409 You can see three of the bridge’s construction styles in this picture.  The two bright white uprights on the right in the sun are the Golden Gate style cable hung suspension wires, to the right of center is the new fan style direct from the upright suspension wires and in the center is a trestle section. I guess you could count the pylon section on the island at the left as a fourth style in the picture.

1432 Typical lunchtime appetizer.  A bit larger today as that’s all I had for lunch.


Oct 16 – At Sea.  The scenery through the Inland Sea is very nice.  Lots of bridges, ships, towns, cities, islands, resorts, lighthouses, ferries and all sorts of landscapes line the shores and dot the waters.  When I awoke the ship was listing a bit to starboard, undoubtedly caused by the wind.  There were lots of whitecaps with spray coming off the tops a sure sign that the wind is at least force 8 or 9 on the Beaufort scale.  In words that’s gale force wind.  Fortunately the inland sea is too small to develop significant swell so the ride is very smooth.  They could balance out the ship by pumping ballast water of fuel to tanks on the other side of the ship but when you’re in occasionally unprotected areas the wind will ship quickly and that could produce a much worse list to the other side.  Unless the deck gets too far from horizontal to be comfortable it’s best to just let it go.


This morning the sky was cloudy with spots of clear.  The light was so bright is some spots and the clouds so low that the blue of the water was reflected off the bottoms of the clouds.  Usually thick clouds are black on the bottom and white to gray on the top and sides.  Today it was all shades of blue.  I had to show the pictures to some friends while they were still on the camera to have witnesses that I didn’t add the blue in Photoshop.


It was a great day for scenic cruising.  I had a different breakfast this morning, eggs Stanley and French toast.  Eggs Stanley is just like eggs Benedict but substitute crab for the ham.  You’d think that the hollandaise sauce would overpower the crab but the flavors actually complement each other so well that both are front and center.  I know the French toast on the ship is really good but I haven’t had any until today.  It’s still really good!


I did have my usual lunchtime appetizer, sushi and sashimi.  I’ve never had sushi so many days in a row before.  The quality on the ship is up by orders of magnitude and I look forward to it every day.  The usually have the same sashimi and some of the same rolls and nigiri but it’s so good I don’t care.


We passed under a really long bridge, not all in one span but in total.  There were three different types of suspension systems in different locations plus a pylon segment and a pier section that was actually a trestle.  I’ve never seen that many bridge building types in one bridge system.  Really interesting.


Our entertainer was Pingxin Xu and he plays the hammered dulcimer.  We’ve seen him before and he’s excellent.  He plays all styles of music, classical, Chinese traditional, big band, American pop and others.  His hammers just fly over the strings, often too fast to see.  Another good show.


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